Too long... And sticky...
I think the problem with stick fights, or at least one of them, is that it's hard to keep track of who is who, because they both look exactly the same. You can't choose one to root for, oridentify the hero... And sticks are boring to look at.
Another reason I didn't really like this was because it just went on forever. Two guys beating the shit out of each other without getting hurt is only interesting for so long. Why did they suddenly gain super powers half way through? I think when the characters are more vulnerable, it's more interesting because there's more at stake... They actually have to be careful, because they're more actually could get hurt or killed.
Seems most anime fight scenes are like this one, and the whole style seems overdone... Sudden;y they can fly through the air, and their hands start glowing and they shoot out of them... How? I'd like to know... All that was missing from this to make it totally cliche was the pointy hairdo...