
209 Movie Reviews

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Wow... That's pretty lazy...

You couldn't even finish something that minimalist and simple... You're like... In the highest echelon of laziness. Geez... Finish this bastard!

What was this all supposed to mean? Are you white? Are you epxressing your hatred toward blacks? Or or you black, and perhaps demonizing whites?

I'm guessing you're the latter, because your white character was all seedy-looking, with a scar on his face, suggesting he's a bad dude.

I think you should've explained more... When you make a story that is just about racial conflict, it just seems cheap... But if you write a story about interesting characters, and the focus is on those interesting characters, with racism as a side plot, it makes it seem less like a smear of one race or the other... Or even... Less cliche...

What the ...?

What the hell was that?

The beginning, where you had all those shots of the earth, was cool... I like how it seemed as if we were falling toward the earth.

Then it was, like... In a classroom... What did the classroom have to do with space and views of the earth from space... That almost suggest that something space-related is going to happen... But no... No aliens... Nothing! WHo was that guy supposed to be? Where were the sound effects from?

The premise was really strange, but I wanted to know more... Cuz it's good to see a fat be-mustached dude, who knows a lot about trinomials, kicking some ninja ass... Especial excuse making slacker ninjas... The Beach Boys music was a nice touch... By why? What is the secret of the Beach Boys tune? Did it inspire him in his ass beating?

Yeah... The story was confusing... And there wasn't a whole lot of characterization... Which hurt its over all score, in my opinion... But who can grade this badly with that delicious scene where the fat guy was sexelently dancing with the TI-82? Nobody, that's who...

Can't say I liked it when he kicked that kitten... but hey, maybe the kitten had it coming to him... Maybe he wasn't studying very hard, and need to get his act together by way of a kick to the face.

But the question still stands... Who the hell was that man?!?! He was amazing!!!

Obadiah responds:

Well.. the Earth shot zoom in suggests the immensity of the world/universe versus the immense madness of this man in room 420. There is no alien-space stuff going on here, this is real.

What is worse for a teacher than when he/she gets interrupted?

But this man is not without a soul.. He feels remorseful and thus enters his dream world of mathematics as he prances the dance floor of life with the only thing he can trust... math itself (the calculator)

I know it's a complicated story here folks but try to understand! this man is MacGowan.


Get rid of that idiotic saying at the end, and this will be awsome... "Should've used energizer batteries" is kind of corny and pointless.

I really like the premise of the movie. It just seems cool that there could be a "friend factory." It just seems so innocent and really neat. But it's also cool that the friend expires... Because you can't have everything just handed to you for free.

Yeah... So get rid of that energizer thing... And maybe try to polish up your artwork a bit... But otherwise, it's comedy gold, my friend.

It makes me feel like elves are dancing around in my happy places...

Shut up!

Geez... What a whiny baby... This happens to everyone... You haven't said anything new or even remotely interesting here as far as I'm concerned.

Especially since the details are... Practically nonexistant... Maybe if you actually made an effort to show how this is in some way different, or characterized yourself or the girl, or even your friend, maybe the audience could get involved with the story... Maybe you could be liked and the audience would sympathize with you, or your character...

But all this story does is say "I'm saaad..." in a puty pathetic voice.... Nobody cares, because we've all experienced it, and we know the details of our own situations... We have experienced the nuances of our own real feelings and experiences...

You don't tell us anything about yourself, or SHOW US what she means to you, so how can anyone care about your situation?

rgfunnyman responds:

But has anyone made a flash of it.

Kind of cool...

The rain in this was really distracting... It obstructed the view the whole time... I don't think you should use it at all...

You probably don't realize, but making rain white in the dark really doesn't work unless there's a light source that is really close. If you were walking down the street at night in the rain, you really wouldn't see the rain until it hit something... It wouldn't be glowing white in the darkness... It doesn't produce its own light, so it wouldn't stand out. You'd see it splashing in puddles, or hitting your window or windshield... It would appear all back if it was in between you and a light source, but other than that you don't see the individual drops at night... If you still insisted on drawing the rain, maybe you should make it black against bright surfaces, or really dark gray against darker surfaces.

The art work was really good... The story was not so good... I think you should try to make a story that is a little more complicated or interesting... Or even original... Maybe you could make up your own bad guy, instead of just recycling the ones from the animated series... It could be like a gangster or something... Maybe you could find a friend who likes to act, so Bat Man could have a voice.

I noticed that one of the weapons Bat Man could've chosen was "knife" when he was looking at that computer screen in the Batmobile... What would happen if he chose that? Would the Bat Mobile pull out a switch blade? What the hell? If Bat Man is going to use a knife, why not just keep it in his pocket? Why would a computer have anything to do with knives?

Why are all Ninjas named Ryu?

I guess it's like that Seinfeld episode... When your parents name you "Ryu," the course of your life has pretty much been set out for you...

This really didn't seem all that interesting. It's just one more animation where a bunch of guys walk up to some dude, and inexplicably start kicking his ass... But, somehow, he uses his anime powers to beat them all up, despite the beatings of equal or lesser value that he's taken.

Why didn't those stupid Ninjas take the hint when he fell off a #&*&@ CLIFF!!!! ...and didn't get hurt? If I'm about to fight someone and he falls off a cliff and is still able to jump around... I'm out of there... Especially when I know that, historically, it only takes one punch or kick to put me down for the count... What the hell were these idiots thinking?

Pretty Good...

All I wanna know is... What kind of asshole puts his picture on the top od his parachute?

He really didn't do any sneeking around... But let's say he takes a guy out and puts on his uniform as a disguise... What if the island people found his parachute? They'd know exactly what he looks like... In fact, if he'd gotten away, now they know exactly who to hunt down in the name of vengeance... Not make it easier and post his home address and directions to his house on the parachute as well.

Why were all the bad guys made of marshmellow-like material?

Well... Other than those to points, it was pretty good. The backgrounds were really cool to look at, and your animation was well done. You seem to have good instincts when it comes to physics, which is something a lot of animators don't have.

tommylm responds:

hmm, well originally the in-joke was that Luis always appears to be extremely bored in every photograph. So, that is why in every shot he looks more and more tired and weary and somehow manages to just waltz in and take what he wants effortlessly. The white guys were characters from some of my previous cartoons (in a time trial) so I thought it fitting to make them the "generic cronies" since they are so blank. Maybe this was too subtle for you..?

This was sort of good... Not great...

There was something about this that made me feel as if it's been done way too much.

I wasn't the most well-liked person in highschool, and I can sort of identify with this. But it almost seems pathetic. It's as if the messgae being delivered by this movie is "Please don't beat me up! I'm only a defenseless little nerd!" I just don't think pleading with the stupid kinds of people that are unnecesarily cruel to others is even practical, because they're too selfish to even consider your feelings. The fact that you're using a method that won't work in desperation makes your character seem all the more like a loser.

Furthermore, the other kids looked like... "Ultra Nerds..." I can't think of any other way to describe them... He goes to a school full of ultra nerds, and he gets picked on? Wy doesn't he just rule them?

The assholes in any real school aren't conformists... They may conform to the ideals of their individual groups, but not one big glasses-and-uniform-wearing nerd group...

I don't think you've captured the average teenager's ability to be a complete asshole, or the great variety in which which assholes present themselves.

I graduated from "Walrus Fighting University" back in 2003 with one goal in mind... To wipe the stink of walruses from the face of the earth once and for all...

Dan Brown @Ghosty22

Age 46, Male

Walrus Wrestler

Walrus Fightin' University


Joined on 11/1/04

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