WHo is Tom Fulp?
Oh, snap! That bitch took the CAAAKE! It must take some kin'a hardcore motro from the STREETS to come up with that biznatch!
But seriously folks...
I really didn't like this. There was one part, where he said "Oh, shit! it's Tom Fulp." That was kind of cool, because it was unexpected... And he was all teen-idolish and sparkly, making the guy seem quite ridiculous. At least I think that's why I thought it was funny.
But it was mostly dumb. I don't know whether or not you should get a life, because what you did here wasn't easy.
I almost feel guilty for being too hard on you, because you obviously set your goal to make something corny. It almost seems impossible that this wasn't intended to be corny. So, good job, making it corny... But corniness, to me, just isn't that funny or entertaining in any way. Actually sometimes it can be, but this just wasn't.
Ok... The end... I'm guessing somewhere around here is where you'll say something like, "Two words: Front Page!" And then you might call me "butter nuts," "pencil dick," or maybe even "monkey testicles." And then I'll say something like, "But no!!! It's not true! I'm just giving you my honest critique! It's not meant to offend you!" And then you'll be all like "Suck it, bitch!" And you'll repeatedly kick me in the scrotum. Why are you so damn violent? Why you gotta be like that?