I graduated from "Walrus Fighting University" back in 2003 with one goal in mind... To wipe the stink of walruses from the face of the earth once and for all...

Dan Brown @Ghosty22

Age 46, Male

Walrus Wrestler

Walrus Fightin' University


Joined on 11/1/04

Exp Points:
6,264 / 6,400
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6.60 votes
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Ghosty22's News

Posted by Ghosty22 - November 22nd, 2008

So... I have some news. I'm not really sure if it's good or bad...

I was looking at what I have for Chanter Tales 1.3... Usually the episodes for Chanter Tales are around five minutes long, because they can get pretty big, and history seems to support the fact that a five-minute episode will meet the Newgrounds size constraints. So far, Chanter Tales 1.3 is 4 minutes and 15 seconds long. Which means that, if I'm going to keep the episode small and manageable enough to upload to Newgrounds, I'm going to have to end the episode in 45 seconds. And I still need to include some dialog in the middle of the cartoon that I haven't added yet. I can't chop it out, because it's important for the larger Chanter Tales story that encapsulates these smaller tales. So I have to make a decision. I could try to end the story in the remaining 45 seconds, which would probably force me to rush the ending and make it less interesting, or I could make a Chanter Tales 1.4, before moving on to 2.1. I really don't want to squeeze out any details that I like, but if I make a fourth part to this first tale, the forth part might be really short and inconsistent with the size of the other episodes. I'm not really sure if that matters... But the idea "feels" weird to me.

I think that what I'll do is finish the dialog in the middle, and then start working on the part before the final "showdown" and see how much time is remaining. Maybe I can just make the end conflict more elaborate or something. In the meantime, maybe you guys can let me know what you think of the situation, and I'll decide a little later. Right now, I think I'm leaning towards 4 episodes... It would mean that I'd put an episode out sooner, but, still, I don't like that the fourth episode would be short...

Posted by Ghosty22 - November 2nd, 2008

So it's November already... I've been busy looking for a place to live, but the outlook doesn't seem that good... I had a wedding to go to this weekend, so I wasn't as productive as I would've liked, but at least I had a good time. Chris Lowe, from KR47, got married yesterday, and I was at his wedding. I drank lots of booze, and I laughed a lot. Chris kissed a dude on the lips at least twice. Rob's best man speech was excellently done. It was like one of those Comedy Central Roasts... It was all pretty cool...

I got a little bit of work on Chanter Tales done during the week... I wish I'd finished more though, but I'm always feeling so dead after work...

I did start the next KR47 cartoon earlier today. I feel as if I breezed through that. I'd say that I got about half finished. I wish Chanter Tales was that easy to do.

In other news, I feel like playing some guitar. I've managed to practice a little here and there, and I think I'm going to go to open mic night one of these days...

Oh... I almost forgot. If you live in CT, or within driving distance of New Haven, CT, the KR47 crew is going to be at this animation festival on November 15. Here is the link:


Pete and I made a whole bunch of T-shirts, buttons, and neat stickers to give away and sell. So, yeah... Be there, or be square! Pow! Zap!!! Kaplowawow!!!

Posted by Ghosty22 - October 5th, 2008

I feel like making a music video in flash... But one of a song that I wrote myself...

Not really sure if I should start it yet...

Being an animator can be frustrating sometimes, because you come up with more ideas than you can manage by yourself...

Maybe I'll just wait until after my current project...

I need to shut up...

Posted by Ghosty22 - September 21st, 2008

I am sort of irritated. I had this brilliant scheme to put NG ads on all my cartoons, and then put them on the KR47 Myspace page, because the Myspace page gets more hits than the actual website. When my cartoons aren't on the front page of Newgrounds, they don't get many hits at all. So I thought that, if I put them on Myspace, more people would see them, and more people would click the ads. But for some reason, when they are on Myspace, the links don't work, and, therefore, the ads don't work.

Man... It's always something...

Posted by Ghosty22 - September 13th, 2008

Well at least my paranoia has been quelled. I made two cents so far with my latest submission, so I did, in fact, install the ad properly. I was afraid I hadn't, because, at first, only the Newgrounds logo came up, and there wasn't an ad. But after some time, ads started appearing.

Anyway... It's a Chanter Tales weekend for me.

Posted by Ghosty22 - September 7th, 2008

So... A new KR47 cartoon will be coming out in the next few days --probably tomorrow or the day after. (I have to work late tomorrow.) I'm anxious to try out the new ad code that NG has been promoting. I wonder if I'll actually make some money. Every little bit is appreciated, considering the fact that I'm going to need to buy a house soon. Pete Q (Kenshin1913) is going to have a small part in the cartoon, as well as Rob's brother, Chris, who played "Jacob" in the live-action movie.

Also, for those of you who live in CT, Pete is planning to get the KR47 crew a table at the "Forgot to Laugh" animation festival, which is going to be at the Little Theater, located at 1 Lincoln St. in New Haven, CT, on Saturday November 15th. The doors open at 7:30pm, and the show starts at 8pm. Tickets are $10 at the door. I think he's going to try to get us a table at some other festivals too. So we've been discussing the kinds of stuff we're going to be giving away and selling. I don't really know a lot about the different animation festivals. I know Newgrounds often goes to Comicon. I think Pete was also talking about getting us a table there... Maybe it was an anime festival or something; I'm not sure. If you email Kenshin1913 here on Newgrounds, he'll be able to give you more information about that... I just make the toons... And tunes...

Anyway, not too many people have checked out my "Boneyard" song on my Myspace profile, which was a little disappointing, but that's the way it goes. In case anyone missed the post, you can listen to, and maybe buy, the song at:


Chanter Tales is slowing growing. I think that, when I move out of this house, I'm going to religiously try to finish that mofo before the end of this year...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My brother made me an RSS feed for http://KR47.com. I'm not sure if it's relevant to you Newgrounds viewers, but if you subscribe, you'll be updated on all the changes to the website, which will include the addition of comics and live-action films, which don't really appear anywhere else...

I guess that's all the September news that I can think of for now...

Posted by Ghosty22 - August 18th, 2008

Hello Everybody,

As much as I've been talking about recording music, I haven't, until now, been able to make a recording that I've been happy with. There's a new version of a song I wrote called "The Boneyard" on my myspace profile. After months of agonizing over the recording process, playing the same song over and over again, I'm finally feeling pretty good about it, and I've decided to put it up on my online music store. So if you like heavy rock and roll, come on over and listen to it. Let me know what you think... You can even buy a copy if you so desire...


The Boneyard

Posted by Ghosty22 - August 3rd, 2008

So... The KR47 guys --Rob, Chris, Pete (Kenshin1913), this other guy named Todd, and myself-- got together today, and we filmed a large chunk of the second KR47 live-action movie. It was actually pretty fun --and strange, as you can probably imagine. Pete is directing again, and he thinks we've filmed about 70% of it. I'm going to try to come up with an opening credits sequence and record some music for it in the next couple of weeks, as well as the animated buffers. I am pretty pissed off at myself, because the last time I was playing my guitar, I didn't lock my guitar case when I put it away. I needed to get my guitar out for the movie, and I picked the case up. It fell right out of the case and landed on the floor. It didn't appear to be broken, but it sounded a little strange to me after that.

I'm also going to try to get the next KR47 cartoon out this week. I said I was going to have it out by the end of last month, but I guess I'm a bum... I've been dealing with a real estate agent, and I'm trying to buy my first house. I've also been pretty busy with work. I'm pretty sure I can get the KR47 done this week, so that's going to be one of my goals this week.

Anyway... That's what I'm doing...

Posted by Ghosty22 - July 10th, 2008

So... I've been pretty tired lately. I don't really have too much to say, but I feel like making an update. Maybe it's for myself more than for you. I feel more organized when I write stuff down. I also don't want to keep people in the dark. Maybe people will shout at me in order to keep me moving.

Chanter Tales is coming along... Of the three unfinished scenes, one is like 80% done, one is about 75% done, and the last one is 0% done. I'll work on it some more tonight after I buy some groceries.

As for KR47, the website, "KR47.com," is up, but it's not finished yet. I've been picking away at it, and Pete Q has also been picking away at it. Most of what needs to be done involves me drawing banners, maybe even putting easter eggs here and there. I badly want to update the music page and put some recordings up there. I'm pretty close to being able to finish this song I've been working on forever. Also there are other musicians that appeared in the first live-action movie that we'd like to promote too.

Pete has a whole collection of comics that Rob and I drew when we worked together. He'd draw an offensive picture of me, and then I'd draw one of him, and we'd try to top the last picture. Some of them are pretty good --and gross. Those are all going to go up on the site. I think Pete will be putting them up once a week or something. Sometime this month, we're going to start filming the next live-action KR47 movie. That should be fun... And weird...

I'm going to try to finish the next KR47 cartoon by the end of this month, but I'd like to spend some time working on the website and Chanter Tales... I have so much crap to do... I'd better quit my yammering and get to work.

Oh yeah, and we have a ton of T-shirts and KR47 products for sale on KR47.com! Be sure to check them out!

Posted by Ghosty22 - May 30th, 2008

I hate George Lucas. I hate him... Indiana Jones 4 was the worst movie I have ever seen... I am never going to see another George Lucas movie ever again... Fuck him...