The only good one was the one on the left.. Rtil... The others were complete shit.
The black and white pencil drawing one was great... I loved the music, where did it come from?
The only good one was the one on the left.. Rtil... The others were complete shit.
The black and white pencil drawing one was great... I loved the music, where did it come from?
the others wer complete shit
fuck you
So... Your character likes to go around blowing shit up, shooting at cops, while occasionally licking her own asshole...
I don't get it... Why did she start shooting the city up in the first place? Why did she lick her own ass? I understand that anime characters seem to like to do a lot of cute cat-related things like changing their faces into cat faces... Cute... But... Licking your own ass? That's a cat behavior that I think we can all do without.
I also think it was kinda of dumb that she got away with it all in the end, especially since her murdering of all those people seemed so arbitrary. Those cops should've said "Sorry ain't good enough bitch!" Then they should've shot her.
And she kissed that guy after licking her own ass!!!
Aside from the excessive violence in the name of cute-dom, the animation was all pretty smooth. Next time you shoudl make her fight and kill people who actually deserve to be fought and killed. Then I think a lot of people would go along with it.
As it is... Your character is kind of hard to like...
Theres a story and it has a point.
She was licking her inner thigh not her ass.
She's insane.
Orange Juice Ads?
Did you get MinuteMaid orange juice to sponsor you or something? If so, how?
i told the minutemaid company to give me money and ill put their juice in my movies and they did.
So why didn't he ever want to go back to DJing again?
Did I miss something? I get that he lost the championship, but so what? If he lost it in a humiliating way that would explain something... Usually when someone reveals his character has some kind of secret talent, there's aninteresting story behind it.
Either that, or it was supposed to be a joke... But it didn't seem that funny...
i plan to be getting into orlando's dj crisis in future eps, and just wanted to touch on it in this one. for more info about the characters check out the website, maybe then it'll make more sense.
What is clock day?
Why are people trying to kill the clock crew? I don't understand what is happening.
Are these movies representing something that happened in the clock club or whatever it is?
What the hell are you talking about?
Kinda fun...
This was pretty catchy... I couldn't understand all the lines... It didn't seem really funny... I don't know if it was supposed to be, but there was something else about it that was perfect. I can't put my finger on it. I guess the music was relaxing, and maybe... Silly?
What was the chorus? In me burb-er-ay? That's what I heard... What does that mean?
Burberry is the clothing choice of Chavs. Yes the song is silly, hurray for silliness! :)
Thanks for your vote :)
Not another crappy "I am your father" joke... Give it a rest already.
I don't know what else to say other than it just didn't seem as if you had enough jokes to do a Fantastic Four parody. This movie makes me sleepy.
well, sorry it made you sleepy.. congradulations on being the first negative review.. although I looked at your stuff.. and I mean.. you probably should be doggin other peoples
Somehow this was kinda cool.
The characters were very simplistic... At first, I didn't like it, but then I started to like it later on.
I don't know if you realize this, but lightsabers glow in the dark. You kept making them jump into darkness, and their lightsabers would be concealed by darkness. When in actuallity, they would cut through the dark... Being a "light" saber, and a source of light.
And that same swish sound effect got pretty redundant... YOU should try to find some different lightsaber effects.
Other than that, it was pretty good.
it wasn't really the shadows...just a black layer faded into clear to present the effect that...okay i'm bullshitting i thought about that after i made it and decided screw it its made it's goin in there.
I graduated from "Walrus Fighting University" back in 2003 with one goal in mind... To wipe the stink of walruses from the face of the earth once and for all...
Age 46, Male
Walrus Wrestler
Walrus Fightin' University
Joined on 11/1/04