Beautful game...
Yeah, it was slow, but the slowness was pretty helpful in that you needed to be agile to dodge and flip through all those spidery flying brick levels.
The artwork was sloppy, but the sloppines made it cool, because it gave the game it's own unique flashy feel. It's a home-made game, and there's just something extra cool about that.
The bosses were just awesome... Especially the last guy. When he turned into the two bats, I was partcularly impressed by that. One bat, I would've expected, but two made it seem as if he had some special power, and it seemed as if the vampires in your world have unique magical laws that govern their powers.
I love the multi-stage fight scenes at the end. Many games have bosses that you just beat on and they only have one attack. The three stages at the end made it seem as if your end boss was very resourceful, and his different strategies kept me guessing.
I love the vampire on vampire conflict, because human versus vampire can be a little boring and one-sided.
In the sequel, you should make more vampire bosses with those multi-stage fight scenes that you do so well... Good job...