oh barnes & nobles is the bookstore you worked at? i am gonna get a job there in a couple of months when the place by me is finished
too bad there isn't somewhere you could go to teach flash or something, that would probably be a great job for you! (at least the art side of flash, i don't know if you know any action script)
that really sucks!
i dont know what to say....it will be a sad, sad day, when cant submit anymore!
Ghosty22 (Updated )
It turns out that I have a little more time than I originally thought. I have until September now. I was sort of panicking a little here and there. My father said that I could have the computer I make animations with. So, if I have a computer, I can animate. Most of my friends have computers, so I may be able to use their computers to upload, because whatever house/condo I'm going to buy is going to only have the bare essentials. I don't even think I'll bother with furniture. It'll be my Art Base! My funds are limited. I'm sort of pissed off, and I'm determined not to be shut down. I went to the bookstore yesterday and was reading a bunch of the home-buying books (with out paying for them, because FUCK Barnes n' Noble! They didn't even send me my severance check for this week!) and I'm feeling a bit better about the situation.
I have one KR47 episode that is half finished. I need to do some touch ups on the KR47 live-action movie too. Then I'm just going to go back to working on Chanter Tales as much as possible. Eight months is much better than two; that's for sure. I just have to solve the job situation. I went to the career office at my old college, and the woman there gave me some good ideas...